
Ceramic, Paint, Ink and Chemical industries are the markets we started with in 1973. We also found our clients in the lower market of the ceramic industry: ceramists, potteries and artists. Nowadays, the education institutes, the contract research institutes and laboratories for all kinds of industries are a stable factor for us.

Since the world is constantly changing over time we have started focussing on Pharmaceutical, Agricultural and Food Industry as well. Our client base in the Biochemical and the Medical Industry, especially the Dental and Bone related industry, is growing.

For all those markets we focus on grinding and mixing applications as a reliable factor. Therefore, we have also become specialist in all kinds of grinding balls.

Petrochemical and Environmental or Green Industry are new target markets for us.
Based on our knowledge of ceramic balls and thanks to our Chinese business partner who has very much know how in this area, specifically in inert balls, we can now also support the petrochemical, chemical, metallurgical, gas and environmental protection industries with those products.